Content Writing Best Practices

Reading something is dramatically different than hearing it, so we need to write content the way that people most successfully read and understand it. That's likely different than how we talk and even how we write in other contexts. Listed below are six best practices you should always refer to when writing content.

1. Use Proper Grammar

While it might seem like a minor detail, poor grammar can obscure what you are trying to communicate. Whenever you're writing content for NMSI, make sure you are using Writer.

2. Be Concise, Clear, and Succinct

Content should be direct, clearly expressed and easily understood. Don’t hide important content behind unnecessarily wordy sentences.  

3. Use Simple, Straightforward Language, and Avoid Jargon

4. Slay Your Prepositions

Remove “extra” words (like "in order to") and keep prepositions to a minimum. Too many ofs, toos, fors, etc. impedes comprehension.

5. Opt for Active Voice Over Passive Voice 

Passive voice often shows an awkwardly constructed wordy sentence with weak verbs.

6. Thoroughly Review Your Completed Content

Spellcheck is great, but it won’t correct homophones, it won’t edit your content for clarity, and it won’t pinpoint gaps in understanding.